Billions things to do, and so little time to get them done. Game studio's, artwork, and folios. sigh* but at least the latest Explorer theme for my "weekly artwork" is done. I wonder if my skill improve ? =_= man, downloaded How to train your Dragon. one word to describe this movie. AMAZING !. I love it, it give me so much inspiration and motivation to do my work. I fan it on facebook, download the theme songs as well, Soon i might even buy Toothless figurines soon, if i can get my hand on it of course. Anywayz,

Meet Ambassador Varen *again. Done some Tweaking to his face to make him less hostile. In this scene, the ambassador is gathering all his research data from his research droids that he scatter on the surface of the Planets he's investigating. Sorry for the lack of detail, I just can't do it when i start drawing it with Wacom Tablet. But overall i like the finish product. Yes this is finish... maybe. It's all thx to miss Blueberry aka Bree for submiting her explorer up, man, without her i probably slack off this week as well :D thx Bree chan ! now off creating 3d with marvelous How to train Your Dragon ost playing to keep me motivated XD!
Look forward to the new art theme !