here it is, some of the monsters I have colored for my Game Design. These pretties are 3 out of 5 sketches I have done for the project. The first one if the Soldier type. about 2-3 times bigger than the human characters. Capable of tearing and chewing the character's metal Armors. They are very agile bugs and pretty hard to put down without proper weaponry. These would be the main unit that player would encounter through out the game. Originally I want this baby to stand on their feet when they attack but...ngeaahhhhh~ we'll see when it comes down to the animations.

Next is the Juggernaut, Large dominant bugs, ready to impale and stampede whatever stands in their way. This bug is design to keep up with the Massive THOR unit that my fellow Artist/Designer, Bree Waldron has made. Since her unit is way huge than my other bugs, I create this bug large enough to impale her unit and hold it up in the airand chuck them away to the side. This picture is on a very bad angle, since u cannot see the face of the juggernaut. It walk on four set of limbs and it have small limbs (unable to see it from this angle as well) near it's head to help it tear it prey's flesh. This unit is like 2-3 times the size of a normal elphants.
This last one is called the Harvester, YES, im well aware that th

So those are my bugs and hopefully i can finish the stage boss and post them up. Can't wait till i start modeling them either on Maya or 3D max. Peace out~
Oh really? I think your colouring looks tres sexy on all of your monsters. O: Man, I love how you do highlights. I'm so envious. ]:
ReplyDeletenahhh, u just saying that >_< thx anyway though, i love your colors too, its very happy and cool, i cant pick proper colors for my art work...
ReplyDeleteNo really! Mmm I don't think I have the vocab to explain properly... but your colours... uhm, they harmonise well? It just works, and the shadow and highlight colours look good, not too strong and not too soft. \: Ahaha, thanks Eri. xD
ReplyDelete>_< thanks bree, u giving me too much credit over this, but i wish i could draw as fast as you.~ and ur heaven's gate under fire thingy looks F***ing awesome like damn awesome omg~
ReplyDeletePfft, I might be faster but the quality isn't as high... Ahaha, thank you Eriiiii, lol at the swearing filter. xD